My first 18 years were lived in a small Kansas town near the geographic center of the continental United States. I spent the next two decades criss-crossing the U.S. from the east coast to the west and back again. I have worked for US congressmen, the National Science Foundation, the Institute for the Future, a Hong Kong Hong, a university, a regional planning agency and other organizations in a variety of capacities – researcher, writer, grant maker, advocate, implementer and policy maker.
The one constant has been an abiding love for the heightened visual awareness painting creates for me.
My compositions, represent a personal point of view and a continuing interest in the transitions of the landscape. I paint what is at hand. I paint what I see.
The subjects of my work may be family artifacts or a transitory view from a traveler’s window. I strive to capture on canvas what I observe as reflected and refracted light alters shapes and scatters color. Each painting is created with an intense focus on the subject matter that invites the viewer to share the richness and dimensions of a composition constructed by many small elements of captured light and reflection.